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Sahara India Future Fund Scheme

(Querist) 19 November 2008 This query is : Resolved 
One of my client was working as an agent in Sahara India and she was promoted to the Senior Motivator in the year 1998 at Begusarai (Bihar).
For the last few years she is residing with her husband at Ranchi hence no buisness is given.

Now she want to withdraw the amount diposited in her account relating to Future Fund Scheme.

Future Fund Scheme : It is a fund voluntarily deducted and diposited with sahara, which can be withdrawn only after the resignation is accepted or being seperated for Sahara.

1. Her Pass Book is lost.
2. No evidence regarding said diposit.
3. Not yet resigned.

question: Which step she should take first to get her money back?
smilingadvocate (Expert) 19 November 2008
First ask your wife to send a letter stating that due to health problems I am unable to do my business, kindly pay my amount deposited in my account. with stating any aspect as to the loss of passbook or any thing as such, if she loses her pass book also she will be enitled basing onthe record of the Sahara group.

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