Sale agreement from builder to current flat owner
(Querist) 22 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
Our CHSL is in the process of collecting all the necessary docs from all the flat owners for the updation of their records. In my case the first agreement was done between the builder and Mr. Sampat, then he sold it to Mr. Dahriya, so agrmnt between sampat and dahriya then mr. dahriya sold it to Mr. Dahiya so agrmnt between dahriya and dahiya and finally mr. dahiya sold it to me i.e agmnt between mr. dahiya and Ms Som. However , I don't have the copy of the agreement between the builder and Mr. Sampat. I told the Secretary that it was not given to us but he says u should have it so what should I do now? In future I have intentions of selling my flat so will this pose a prblm for me. Remaining all my papers are in order. Kindly advice..
ajay sethi
(Expert) 22 December 2012
you should have the complete link of documents . agreement between builder and sampat is the document through which you derive title to the flat . it appears when you purcased the flat you did not consult a local lawyer .
no lawyer would have advised you to buy flat unless original agreement between builder and sampat was with seller .