Sale agreement from builder to current flat owner
(Querist) 22 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
I am afraid we did not consult a local lawyer at that time as we were not guided properly as a result of which I do not have the sale agreement between the builder and Mr. Sampat.
What can I do about it?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 22 December 2012
contact the seller from whom you purchsed flat . ask him if he has originals . if he dosent have contact earlier sellers .
request Mr sampat the original seller to furnish the originals if he has the same in his posession .
(Expert) 22 December 2012
If it was registered, u can get certified coy from Registrar of Assurance.
Society must have xerox copy . So apply accordingly. .
Otherise file fir, affid+ news paper public notice etc...