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Sale deed in its owns favour

(Querist) 23 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I got the land in my name as a owner in the revenue record and there is no sale deed in my favour as I got the by inheritance and now want the registered sale deed in my favour as I want deposit with the bank by equitable mortgage .
My point is Whether I can execute the sale deed in my own favor after paying the stamp duty. If yes how to be done?
SURESH BV, Advocate (Expert) 23 December 2015
Dear Satyanand Aggarwal,

After execution of the Sale Deed, the revenue records will be up-dated/mutated in the name of the purchaser. But your question is vice versa.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 December 2015
For Bank loan, you have to proceed for registered mortgage.
Satya nand aggarwal (Querist) 24 December 2015
Thanks Mr Rajinder

My point is entirely different i.e. whether sale deed can be made or not.
Guest (Expert) 24 December 2015
Dear Satya Nand,

Insufficient information!

Before asking your query, you being an advocate, was required to give some appropriate background of the case, which is wanting.

The question arise, how and from whom the property was inherited, to which generation of your forefathers the property was actually belonged and with reference to which document of which forefather, you happened to appear in the revenue records as the owner of the land? That is quite crucial before you can expect some suitable reply from experts. There must be some basis of yourself being taken on record as the owner.

You may therefore like to provide the requisite information.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 December 2015
Repeated Query. Suitably replied
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 03 January 2016
You may answer the queries raised by expert Mr. Dhingra after which you may get proper replies to your query.
Satya nand aggarwal (Querist) 04 January 2016
Earlier the property was in the name of my father and after his death I inherit the same and mutation was sanctioned in my name in revenue record as owner being class one legal heir and there is no sale deed in my favour as I got the by inheritance. There is no dispute with any one and now I want the registered sale deed in my own favour to be executed by myself in my own favor only in order to get the title deed as I want to deposit with the bank by equitable mortgage for the purpose of raising loan.
My point is Whether I can execute the sale deed by myself in my own favor after paying the stamp duty.
If yes how to be done?
if u don, t have title deed then u need to go for regd mortgage only and I want to go for equitable mortgage only and title deed is required under section section 58 of T.P Act. Bank is bound to ask for title deed.
I think declaration of title deed can be done under registration act, but needs someone to elaborate.

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