SaleDeed diagram mistake
Querist :
(Querist) 15 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
the first sale deed was done in 1990 between the builder and Mr Reddy , the property area and direction was discribed correctly in words.
I pawan purchased the flat from Mr Reddy in 2004, the property discribtion in words were correctly mentioned but the hand drawn diagram of the flat was wrong,
this mistake in sale deed, i came to know now(nov 2009 ) .
i tired to contact Mr Reddy to do the rectification now Mr Reddy is out of contact,
and now i want to sale this flat
how to rectify this sale deed mistake
G V S Jagannadha Rao
(Expert) 15 November 2009
Under the circumstances, better add a recital in your own sale deed that the boundaries of the flat were mentioned correctly but by mistake and oversight, the orientation of the plan is wrongly mentioned. If you have a sanctioned Municipal plan, even buyer may not mind, since the original sale deed contained correct plan.