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School assets with landed properties

(Querist) 22 December 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Please answer the following.
If school assets and land are owned by eight family members governed by a WILL then,

What is the intelligent way to manage the school and its affairs. eg. any society to be formed for managing etc.
1.Then, what is the position of the assets owned by the 8 persons in the nature of school property and land.
2.Whether the 8 persons can freely transfer their right over the property as and when they wish to do so.
3.Is it needed to transfer the property in the name of the Society which runs the school.
4.Or the 8 persons can continue to enjoy the assets in their own names unitedly and parallelly a society formed to exclusively run the school and manage its affairs.
5.What is the best method to adopt for running the school and for safeguarding the assets at the interest and freedom of 8 members.

Sir please answer the query.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 22 December 2011
please stop repeating. your query already replied, if you have not satisfied, then you have to raise question in the same thread not creating fresh thread.
ajithkumar.t (Querist) 22 December 2011
Please go through the doubts and try to give answers.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 23 December 2011
repeated one .even for doubts removal go back to original thread.

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