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Sec 138

(Querist) 08 August 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Dear sir
I am the appellant in my case . I filed a case in sec 138 for amount of rs.230000 in saket court. I alsubmitted all dica in court and same copy given to accused by court .
Now today accused lawyer in my cross examination produced some pending credit note in court which I forgot to add in ledger before cheque writing .. he had all mail proofs with them for pending credit notes ..
What will happen now
nitin gatagat (Querist) 08 August 2019
Pls revert
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Expert) 09 August 2019
Dear Sir,
Without seeing your entire case it is not appropriate for me to advise legally.

Please mark “LIKE” if satisfied by my answer.
Adv. Vaishali Harish Gore (Expert) 09 August 2019
does that credit notes are mentioned in your balance sheet and other party is still payable to u?
nitin gatagat (Querist) 09 August 2019
Bihar not show in my balance sheet but i had communicate to accised via mail .. he make it defence in case and escaping from whole liabily.. if that amount consider then cheque amount goes extra ..
nitin gatagat (Querist) 09 August 2019
Dear sir... Full case details is as
I am the distributor of micromax mobiles named .. nakoda agencies
I came in to agreement with accused in jan 2018 for distribution of mobiles with agreement and same time taken 3 blank cheques for security purposes ..
In last month I.e. july 2018 .. dispute with party for payment of rs.230000 .. in July 1 2018 I filled cheque and bounced and filled in sec 138 ..
Our books of accounts matched till June.2018 ... But 1 credit note of rs.18000 I forgot to add in July for which belongs to sale of month of.. June ..
In cross they produced mail copy and working of claim pending..
Now my issue is that can he escape from all liability if it proved in court it's pending with me rs.18000

So I lost my money n case also
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Adv. Vaishali Harish Gore (Expert) 10 August 2019
what is amount of credit note and what is balance he is liable to pay?
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Amount of credit note is rs.18000 after deducting credit note actual balance will be 212000 but cheque amount is 230000
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Amount of credit note is rs.18000 after deducting credit note actual balance will be 212000 but cheque amount is 230000
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Amount of credit note is rs.18000 after deducting credit note actual balance will be 212000 but cheque amount is 230000
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Pls revert as soon as
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Pls revert as soon as
nitin gatagat (Querist) 10 August 2019
Issue pls discuss
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 August 2019
can you prove that the accused actually owed you the money written on the cheque.

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