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Self representation in supreme court allowed?

(Querist) 20 September 2022 This query is : Resolved 
I have a simple query. Recently child custody was awarded to me by family court on which the other side filed appeal in high court with an application to suspend the lower court order. That application to suspend was dismissed and hence they approached SC with a SLP that is posted next week.

My question - Since I represented myself in FC, may I represent myself in SC and give my version or will the SC insist that I engage an advocate? Also, can parties representing themselves avail the facility of appearance through VC?

Hope a response will be provided.

Thank you.

kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 20 September 2022
If you know how to submit your pleadings, then you can. But it is better to engage an advocate to argue on your side.
P. Venu (Expert) 20 September 2022
First of all, SLP is an extraordinary remedy and leave would be granted only if substantial question of law is involved. Majority of the SLPs are dismissed at the admission stage itself.

You need to appear only if the SC serves notice. Permission is required to be obtained for a party to appear in person.

Venkat (Querist) 20 September 2022
Sir not only it was admitted but SC has granted stay on FC order also till next weekend's hearing. Good to know that majority of them are dismissed and thanks for letting me know that I need permission. I'll go and see how it goes.

Thanks again.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 21 September 2022
You can appear before the Supreme Court as party in-person.
Move an application to this effect (to appear as party in-person) where you will be interviewed by Registrar for granting permission to appear as party in-person.
P. Venu (Expert) 21 September 2022
The application could be filed online and requires to be supported by an affidavit and Appearance Memo.
Venkat (Querist) 21 September 2022
Thank you once again Mr. Venu and other experts. Much grateful for your kind assistance.
Venkat (Querist) 27 September 2022
My sincere appreciations again to Sri. Venu and Sri. Vashista. I indeed moved application for self representation and memo of appearance in Hon'ble SC which was approved and I could give my version. Matter adjourned for the present.

Best regards,
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 28 September 2022
I am sure you will do very well.
Best of luck.

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