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sending mediaters and forcing to take back the cases

(Querist) 05 December 2008 This query is : Resolved 
respected eperts,

an N.B.W is pending on my husband on dowry probhition act he is still upscanding from last four years, and till date he did not attend the court, the case is stil pendinging in the court, every time for court my in-laws are coming last time the honerabel judge asked my father-in-law about my husband he said that my husband is in u.s.a then honerabel judge asked him to bring him on next time compulsery and the date was given for the month of feb, now my-in-laws are sending so, many mediaters and forcing me to take back the N.B.W and the case,for that iam telling no to everyone, i even suggesting them to bring my husband into picture,the mediaters who are coming in between they are not listioning to me they are forcing me a lot, but iam geting mentally disturbed a lot. they even telling that no court will give me justice.when case is runing in the court can other party can do force like this?if no. the what kind of i can take on them

pls suggest me......

thanking, you
smilingadvocate (Expert) 05 December 2008
Mrs. Sampoorna I suggest you first to file an habeas Corpus to produce your husband, in which you make your father in law of mother in law as thrid respondent and the police as first and second respondent and as the court to direct the police to produce your husband whose whereabouts are known to your in laws and coming to forcing u to withdraw thecomplaint you can seek police protection even inthe said writ petition from the harrassment and also you can file and complaint with the metrpolitan magaistrate court seeking to refer the case to the police book a case against the said persons for criminal intimadation. and it is not that you who has to withdraw the NBW it is the court which has to recall on application of the said accused, I once again suggest you to go to the concerned commissioner of police and put the same matter before him and seek his indulgence the matter will besolved.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 06 December 2008
In addition to the aforesaid actions, I suggest, you may also intimate to the American Embassy to help you in the matter. NBW is now not a matter between you and husband. Those who indulge into pressure tactics should also be prosecuted after proper warning.

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