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Sharing of common maintenance amongst the housing societies

(Querist) 14 February 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir,
Being a Secretary of the housing society, kindly advice on following matter :
We have 5 Nos. of 7-storied buildings (totalling 168 flats) and 1 No. of Tower having 32 floors (totalling 98 flats), all of them are existing in same campus and registered CHS Ltd. under the Maharashtra Co-op.Societies Act 1960. We have common campus which includes private street, garden, electric light poles, security guards at the main gate, etc. All the residents/ members of the above 5+1 buildings are using the common area. Hence, for the maintenance the said common area, I would like to know that what would be the best way/ formula to share/ contribute the expenses by each society building ? There is a ambiguity amongst the societies that whether we have calculate the common maintenance charges on the basis of area Sq.Ft.of each society building or on the basis of number of flats.? Builder/Developer, who has constructed the above (5-1) 6-buildings, has not issued Conveyance Deed to any of us. Please let me know your valuable advice.
Thanks a lot.
Yours Sincerely,
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Expert) 15 February 2021

As one of the society has 98 members, all Societies can share common expenses as per sq. ft. area out of 2 options given by you.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 15 February 2021
Most of the societies have adopted formula of common maintainace charges per sq.ft area.
Ajit N Katkoria (Querist) 15 February 2021
Thanks Sir. As above mentioned, each individual society bldgs. are charging to their members for sinking fund, repairing fund & premium charges on the basis of sq.ft of of flat area and other expenses like security guards, elec.chgs,accountant/ audit fees, etc.on the basis of number of flat wise as per Bye laws of the society. And, this is different. I am asking about the common area/ surroundings, private road, street lights, etc. which have to be maintained collectively by the all above mentioned societies/bldgs...what is the criteria to be considered for arriving /calculating the sharing /contribution for maintenance of common area/ campus.? Thanks
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 16 February 2021
Maintenance and sinking fund are two different heads for charging from members/ residents.
Generally AGM/ GBM adopts area wise (per sq. ft.) formula to charge maintenance, however, it differs from a society to another, which is not a fixed rate.
krishna mohan (Expert) 19 February 2021
Since already maintenance charges are levied by respective societies on members, you can explore ways to add adjoining areas to cover the respective blocks and add the common one to all on equal sharing basis so that each society can take care of their own needs and contribute out of that to a common one. Alternatively you can explore sharing of common expenses by each society on pro rata basis.

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