Shop rent
(Querist) 13 March 2012
This query is : Resolved
I Rent A Shop IN Nov 2004 With Two Shutter at Rs.10,000 Yearly,One year Agreement Attach With Complete Shop map To My District Drug Office For Issue Drug License,After one year No any agreement and i pay Advance Rent Yearly, Currently I pay Rs.21000 Yearly To owner or My Rent Just Double in 8 Years,I have no Any Receipt From owner For the Rent pay But Last Two year I pay By Bank Account And My Account show These Transaction,Now Owner Want To vacant My shop And Given to any other Person,He mentally disturbed And harassment For this,Please Help me How Can i solve this And Protect For lifetime ...
My shop in a complex , There Are 8 Shops , it is in village So i think No any Business Registration Of land And it is Residential Land.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 13 March 2012
you have been in posession of shop for 8 years . as on date you dont have writtten agreement but you have proof of payment of rent to landlord .
if you refuse to vacate landlord will file suit for eviction against you .
youcan contend that you are a tenant not a licenceee . depsosit rental amount in courts . contact a local lawyer
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 13 March 2012
The property belongs to the owner and he has every right to vacate you by giving sufficient notice.
(Querist) 13 March 2012
"The property belongs to the owner and he has every right to vacate you by giving sufficient notice" Right ! But It is Good That He Given My shop To any Other For Medical Purpose,I always Given advance Amount And Doing Legal Business ,
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 13 March 2012
You can initiate legal action as advised by Mr.Sethi. But, I doubt you stand a chance to win.
Better to talk to the owner and convince him. He may ask for higher rent, which you can negotiate.
You need to understand that you too are depriving the owner of his legal right by keeping possession even after you are told to vacate.