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silence maintained by soc

(Querist) 15 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 

i have approached registrar of coop soc who has directed the said soc to reply in writing detials of outstanding due on my flat but society maintain silence and keeps charging 21% interest by bills insertions , how do i resolve this ? problem is 21% interest is charged on compounded basis there is no breakup given ? how to resolve and who to approach ?

Pl adviseriven
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 15 September 2009
File application seeking statement of account and first of all compare the accounts with your deposits and bills insertions. thereafter minutely observe your undertaking /agreement/contract vide which you are paying interest. If any term found contrary then immediately file legal notice and file civil as well as criminal case against the erring officials in their official as well as in their individual capacity.riven
rk (Querist) 22 December 2009

i have been told verbally that society charges at 21% interest on monthly compunded basis but refuses to go on record it refuses to answer queries and maitain silence, as time passes my outstanding is mounting , pl advise ?

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