Society authority to issue noc for structural changes in flat
(Querist) 05 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Need suggestion and case reference if any for the below query. redeveloped building and old society and new flat purcahser matter. we are new flat purchasers.we are yet to add as society members.
In our society MC members and all other members have extended the chajja area and dry area post obtaining the OC and without BMC permission. the same extension is not as per approved plan. my q is whether society has any authority to issue or pass any resolution to do such chajja area and dry area extension? if yes then pls specify the rules and section.
pls suggest
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 05 July 2016
Society had no such powers.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 06 July 2016
proper authority and not the society has such powers.
Case reference is not provided.