Society maintenance charges not paid - discontinued maid

Querist :
(Querist) 23 November 2023
This query is : Resolved
Is maid servant an essential service or non-essential service. Maid servant is coming to the flat, which didn't pay maintenace charges for 2 years. Maid is for only cleaning etc service to the flat. Not for any medical or nursing help. Maid servant does floor cleaning, utensils cleaning etc work. Not for help to senior citizens. there are 6 people in the house. Husband, wide, 3 children(20+ age) and one grand mother, who is hale and healthy.
(Expert) 23 November 2023
Who appointed the maidservant either society or you for your flat?
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 23 November 2023
The maid servant has been engaged by your for your private purpose i.e., for cleaning and other household works in yor house alone.
It neither comes under essential service or any other service.
It is your own household affair which the society cannot interfere nor can it claim maintenance treating it as an essential service.

Querist :
(Querist) 26 November 2023
Maid servant is appointed by the flat owner, not by the Society. I am actually representing Socienty Committee, which has taken action to discontinue daily waste collection and restricting maid servant doing work in the defaulting flat. The flat owner who defaulted on paying maintenace charges for almost 2 years is saying stopping maid servant to his flat is an essential service and Society Committee does not have right to stop the maid servant entry to the defaulted flat. The flat defalted owner says that the builder agreed to pay 36 months maintenace. But the builder says and has written in the registered sale deed that he will do maintenace 36 months from the date of first occupant of the 32 flats, not 36 months from the date of defaulted flat occupancy. Society committee has taken stand that the issue is between builder and the defaulted flat owner and the defalted flat owner has to pay to the Society the maintenace charges.