Society transfer fee
(Querist) 16 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
Hi experts,
I am new to this forum and hence would like to say sorry if I have selected a wrong category. I have a query reagrding society transfer fee.
My father-in-law owns a flat in a society jointly with his wife. He wants to transfer the shares certificate of that flat in the name of his daughter who is married to me. The society is asking me to pay transfer fees for the same.
I read on net as below regarding transfer fee:
Transfer among family members: Under the old bylaws there were transfer charges applicable even if the transfer was between family members.
But then under Section 6 read with bylaw number 3 of the model bylaws, no transfer charge is to be levied in case of transfer of flat to any one of the family members. Under bylaw number 3(25) family members mean the following group of persons: husband, wife, father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, son in law, brother in law, sister in law, daughter in law, grandson, granddaughter.
I don't know if this is from the current years society bylaw.
My query is that does the current society byaw have any such clause? Do I need to pay transfer fees to the society? If yes, howmuch?
Thanks in advance
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 16 September 2012
You shall have to pay transfer charges as per latest law and there is no such exception anywhere in India.