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Sports policy partially adopted for giving reservation

(Querist) 23 February 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Sir in judicial posts
Advertisement comes with 3 posts for ESP I.e Eligible sports person
Eligibility as per definition of ESP was sports person to be played at national level for state and Sports Gradation of Grade A and Grade B is shown in advertisement by saying that it comes under state policy of 2018
But the policy of 2018 has 4 grades A B C D( All grades level on decreased order I.e Olympics (A) to National school games (D) )
In the advertisement the eligible sports tournaments shown in 9 categories deals with Grade A and B
But in the state sports policy there are 13 categories ....9 to 13 deal with grade C and D which was not shown in advertisement
Also the sports policy says Grade A person can apply for Group A posts but Grade B can only apply for posts other than Group A
Now a person who is ESP as per definition of ESP having Grade D is not eligible for appearing in main exam by saying that your gradation is not as per advertisement I.e where C and D are not discussed
Note: No where in Advertisement it is written that Grade A and Grade B are allowed
No where in Advertisement it is written Grade C and Grade D are not allowed
It is mere presumption that A and B are allowed because Grade A and B are discussed in advertisement and only 9 categories of sports are discussed which only deals with Grade A and B


Now is not this discrimination with Grade C and D candidates who are not eligible but Grade B is allowed for ESP
And whether advertisement for recruitment in judicial posts can surpass the sports policy as the facts itself shows that by allowing Grade B eligible for Group A posts along with Grade A is pic and choose from the sports policy ( Also 9 categories of sports tournaments shown and only Grade A and B is discussed besides the fact that there are 13 categories and grade C and D are also there)
Whether the state can form there own eligibility for ESP by getting some part from the state sports policy And ignore the other
Sb Karma (Expert) 02 January 2020
Yes state can make their own quota rules...but only on state level jobs

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