St & vat
channa keshava
(Querist) 19 March 2015
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I bought an under construction Flat for Rs.38 lakhs, including all taxes in Bengaluru in May 2013, it is still under construction and it may take another 2-3 months time to completion. I have already paid 80% of total value.
Could you please let me know is there any changes in ST & VAT in Bengaluru from April 1, 2015. If any changes will i have to pay only for balance amount right? Please advice.
Thanks & Regards,
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 20 March 2015
This is a local issue pertaining to the state government announcement in the budget and implemented thereafter. So better consult a local tax consultant and proceed as per his advise.