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Stages of court case

(Querist) 12 January 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Please note that due to irresponsible behaviour of advocate i have decided to withdraw her from my family court case. I had decided to fight my case self. But as now due to the pressure of high court procedure the court is giving fast dates. So, i could not get time to study the laws references and could not do preparations properly. so now i have decided to appoint the advocate.

in this my family court case which is filed by my husband cross examination of the Petitioner and his witnesses is over and now the advocate of opposite side has filed her written argument on main petition on last date and when the Hon judge had suggested i had just made the arguments on few points. she told me that it is not required to file written argument now.

So, now I want to appoint new advocate and want to file written argument on main petition and my affidavit with evidences .

so, please confirm the stages :

i) filling of written argument on main petition.

ii) filling of my affidavit with evidences.

iii cross examination of me and my witnesses.

iv) final argument.

Also confirm if i am not submitting written argument may i can file direct final argument ?

please guide me urgent basis.
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 13 January 2015
If you are not satisfied with the perfomance of advocate you can change advocate and proceed the case where it stands.
ROHIT SHARMA (Expert) 13 January 2015
1. You are naive as far as procedural laws are concerned. You need to be briefed about the stages that are involved in such civil suit. The argument stage is over and the court will not receive any further arguments from you. The case would be posted for final disposal and judgement.

2. If you wish to seek more information as regards to the proceedings of the case matter and are willing to remunerate a moderate sum for such consultation you can get my contact details by clicking my name shown in the L.H.S. margin of this reply format.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 13 January 2015
You must not fight on your own
engage a good reliable Advocate, as u r having problems since many years, and suffering .
As Shri Rohit offered to help u, u may contact him,he being LCI Expert
ajay sethi (Expert) 13 January 2015
better engage a local lawyer . it appears you have not filed any affidavit of evidence . court has placed the matter for final arguments
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 13 January 2015
I agree with the advice of Mr.Ajay Sethi.
I firmly believe that this portal is for tendering free legal advice and the author is free to take the next step of consulting an advocate and get his work done if need be. But using this portal as a tool for canvassing for practice that too in every query by some experts is not in consonance with the purpose of this experts portal.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 13 January 2015
Engage a local lawyer immediately to stop any damage in the case.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 13 January 2015
no more to add.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 17 January 2015
A particular expert is found to misuse this portal for his personal business promotion though he knows that this place is meant for free advise, such attitude discourages others from giving their opinions freely, let him better realise and stop his such unethical and unbecoming attitude immediately. A clear example is the author's case, who has been cheated by such false promising advocates due to which the author has been left to suffer in lurch without knowing what to do next.
@Author: since you have been left in the mid sea by your advocate without any guidance, it is better that you engage anther good advocate to swim the balance across. I think you have not deposed your evidence too whereas the court has closed your side evidence because of no proper representation from your side which is due to lack of proper guidance. So better do not run a risk again.

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