Stamping of share certificates issued in delhi
(Querist) 31 October 2012
This query is : Resolved
Respected Seniors,
I want to know the exact circular, notification, amendment which makes stamping mandatory on share issued in delhi after 2001 at a rate of Rs. 1 per 1000 Rs. of Consideration value ?
Please provide me the exact notification, circular, amendment etc, if possible and i would be deeply thankful.
Assit Me......!
Ravinder Kumar

(Expert) 02 November 2012
As per Section 3 of Indian Stamps Act 1899,Every Share Certificate must bear the necessary stamp duty as per the Stamp Act of the respective State/ Union Tertorry from which Certificate is issued. The rates of stamp duty can be obtained with reference to relevant article of given State Act. In Delhi Article 19 prescribes stamp duty @ Re 1 for every Rs 1000 or part thereof vide Schedule-IA of The Indian Stamp(Delhi Amendment)Act,2007.It came into force w.e.f. 20-11-2007[Ref:Notification No.F.5(111)/Fin./(T&E)/2007-08/Js.Fin./159 dated19-11-2007]