Starting a new security company
sandeep kumar
(Querist) 10 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
What are the statutory compliances for setting up a new security company?
What all licences are required and where do I get these from?
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 10 April 2013
It is an state regulated business(as civil security is under state domain,so you see police of every state) hence you should check with laws in your state.
D.M's office of your District may be a right place to enquire about.
sandeep kumar
(Querist) 10 April 2013
Thank you Sir--Would be obliged if you could list out the licences required in Maharashtra.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 10 April 2013
For Magharashtra, you need to contact local lawyer.
Civic Rules differs from state to state.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 10 April 2013
You need to be guided by :
1.Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act-2005 and
2.the Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules-2007
but first get your company incorporated and registered with registrar of cos.(R.O.C.)
or a partnership created and registered with registrar of firms and societies
or get a proprietorship firm registered under Shop registration act with municipal board concerned.
Where after you would need to file:
1.affidavit in original of Rs. 100/ stamp paper(may be enhanced now) incorporating the details in relation to the provisions contained in Sec. 6., Sec. 9 and Sec. 11 of the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act-2005,
2.Copy of gazette regarding registration of the agency with Guards Board,
3.Copy of notification issued by Department of Industry, Energy, Labour, Govt. of Maharashtra,
4.Certificate of registration under Maharashtra State Tax on Profession, Trades, Callings and Employments Act-1975,
5.Registration under Employees State Insurance Act-1948,
6.Registration under Sec. 69 of the Finance Act-1994,
7.Registration with the office of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner,
8.Registration with the office of Central Labour Commissioner, Govt. of India,
9.License granted by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour under contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act - 1970,
10.Registration of the establishment under Bombay Shops and Establishment Act-1948,
11.Details of contracts/places where the applicant has supplied security guards including armoured vehicles with details of guards provided at each of the places,
12.Details of all employees of the applicant company giving details
13.Character verification certificates of all employees (Manager to security guards) of the applicant as done by 'G' Branch, SB (I) CID and as required under the Maharashtra Private Security Guards (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act-1981, (Application to be made in Form-II of the Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules-2007,
14.Details of Arms licenses granted to the applicant agency, its proprietor/partner/director etc, and details of arms licenses with the employees of the applicant agency, either in Mumbai or any place in India,
15.Four coloured photographs (from all angles), postcard size showing details of uniform from all 4 sides used by the staff of the security agency, including cap and badges,
16.Format/ copy of photo identity card issued to the employees of the applicant as required in Form-IX of the Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules-2007,
17.Form-I {Rule-3 of the Maharashtra Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules-2007} for verification of antecedents of every partner/director of the applicant firm enclosing therewith a draft of Rs. 200/- (may be enhanced)per applicant.
18.Separate Character Verification Report (to be issued by the applicant company) in respect of each or all of the employees of the applicant company confirming that they have no criminal record against them (Form III)
All documents to be duly attested by a notary public.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 19 April 2013
I do endorse the detailed advice of Mr. Singh.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 20 April 2013
Welcome sandeep !
But not for repeat.
Was it really a repeat?
sandeep kumar
(Querist) 20 April 2013
Ihave asked this and received a reply clearing my doubts for the first time so its not a repeat as far as I am concerned---but maybe someone received a similar reply earlier!!