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Stay application

Guest (Querist) 06 March 2022 This query is : Open 
What is the meaning of
" stay is granted till further orders" ?
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 06 March 2022
What is your problem? You asked it as an academic. However, Stay is an action taken by a court to stop a legal proceeding or the actions of a party. A stay most commonly is issued by a court as a stay of proceedings in order to stop litigation from continuing, and they normally are only temporary.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 08 March 2022
Stay application is filed with main civil suit for the grant of stay order.after hearing arguments court grants stay order till further orders which means on next date stay order can be extended or it can be suspended.
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 14 March 2022
What the sentence in your query , issued as order of the court, means is that the stay order will continue to remain in force until it is reversed or modified by the court on a later date.

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