Stay away from adv. sakshi jaiswal in allahabad

Querist :
(Querist) 13 August 2023
This query is : Resolved
I'm facing a problem with Advocate Vimal Kumar Pandey and Sakshi Jaiswal's The SAVI Law Firm in Civil Lines, Allahabad.
I gave them my case and paid a lot of money, but now they're not talking to me. I tried calling, messaging, and emailing, but they're not responding. It's been six months, and my case hasn't moved forward.
I think they're not doing their job after taking my money. This is not right. I want to warn others about this and ask for advice. Please help.
(Expert) 13 August 2023
Maybe your case is not yet listed though 6 months lapsed, so they may not be responding to you. You stated that their firm is SAVI so you go there and talk with them in person. If not responded you can issue a legal notice to them.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 13 August 2023
You can take legal action against the advocates if they have cheated you by giving complaint against them in the bar council as well as the bar association to which they belong.
If you have any grievances agaisnt the advocates or the said law firm, you can take legal action against them as per provisions of law instead of continuously making complaints and venting out your feelings of disgust against them in this platform. This platform cannot help you to over come your problems in any manner, hence your posts in this forum in this connection is an absolute waste.
Dr. J C Vashista
(Expert) 14 August 2023
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