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Step after affidavit of examination in chief?

(Querist) 03 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 
the plantiff has submited the affidavit of examination in chief..its been six month the defedant have not submiteed thier documnet in the court..the lawyer of the defendnt has told to the court that he does not want to submit any docments...!!

.what does that mean?? does it mean the defendant doesnt want to fight in court..?
what is the next step ?? please r
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 04 November 2012
Then ask the court top close the examination of the particular witness.
We are n God to know the intention of the defendant.
Once the evidence is closed then bring another witness if you so wish.
Sumanth Nookala (Expert) 04 November 2012
what is the suit for?
All that defendant has to do is show that claim of the plaintiff is not proved......cross examination of plaintiff witness would suffice for the defendant to demolish the case of the plaintiff. Burden of proof is on plaintiff. Just make sure you have all the documents...question of law...all the best!
samirbharani (Querist) 05 November 2012
@ sumanth reddy..

suit is betwwen me(owner) and my tenant...he has sublet the premisis..Now can I(Plantiff) put additional evidence at this Stage?? As I feel that that evidencE that i have put may not be suffcient..!!
V R SHROFF (Expert) 05 November 2012
If Plaintiff submitted affidavit of examination in chief.., the step is exhibiting pt Document, then Cross of Pt, then any more witness on pt part, then closure of evidence from your side, iecPlaintiff. Till that time, you can produce sufficient Evi/ doc.

Only on pursis of close evidence, that Defendant will be examined.

As claim sublet,the burden to prove sublet on u.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 05 November 2012
If ur evidence is insufficient, u try to improve upon. Court will allow u to produce further evidence on Application with justification to produce now, at later stage. Do it before argument stage.

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