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(Querist) 01 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Wife has filed divorce petition and in that she has demanded streedhan which are under my possession are as mentioned below.

1. Ornaments given to her by her parents.

2. Gold and other articles given to me by her parents.

3. Ornaments given to her by my parents.

I am aware that as per Streedhan definition she can claim ornaments from points 1 and 3 above but not point 2. But in the petition she has mentioned point 2 as well. Also, the list is not a valid list as there is no mention of weight, value, date of purchase, etc. just mentioned 2 Gold Chains, 2 bangles,etc.

I am ready to give her ornaments from points 1 and 2 if she goes for Mutual divorce. In the first counselling session, the councesllor has asked me to bring the list of ornaments which i possess in the second session so what should i tell in the second session?

If she doesnt opt for mutual divorce then kindly advise all the learned experts as to how to safeguard my interest.I believe they have only the photos and they dont have any bills. Also, if she files a case under section 406 then what kind of action police will take?

Thanks in advance.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 02 August 2012
The case u/s 406 is very difficult to prove. So rest assured you would not be put to prove it straightway.

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