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Subletting the flat without permission from soceity

(Querist) 01 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Application to sublet the flat is submitted along with copy of leave and license agreement seeking permission from the society on 1.3.13 by a/d along with other forms for becoming member of the society. Pending receipt of permission in writing by the society (under by law 65[e]maximum time the secretary can take to disposal of such application is 90 days)if the member lets out the flat and the Lessee occupies the flat forcibly when the society watchman prevents the Lessee from entering the flat on the ground that permission letter from the Society is not produced, what action can Society take against the Lessee,Lessor [member of the society]
ajay sethi (Expert) 01 March 2013
take discplinary proceedings against the said member . pass resolution in the managing committee that since flat has been given on leave and license without prior permission and without producing police verifcation penalty is imposed on said member .

forward copy of letter to local police station that without police verifcation and without leave of society flat has been given on leave and license .
suguma (Querist) 01 March 2013
Sorry -- I forgot to mention that the Lessor did submit copy of Leave and License agreement along with Policy verification report about the lessee and Lessor and about their previous residence. The purpose of allowing the lessee to occupy the flat pending receipt of Permission in writing by the Society was loss of rental income if the society secretary takes his own sweet time of 3 months to give permission [or indirectly expecting bribe]
ajay sethi (Expert) 01 March 2013
it seems after seeing the reply you have completely changed the facts of the case .

grant permission . dont impose penalty . in future ask members to obatin permission in advance before entering into agreement
ajay sethi (Expert) 01 March 2013
you have completely changed the facts of the case after going through the reply posted on this site

grant permission . dont impose penalty . in future ask members to obatin permission in advance before entering into agreement
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 02 March 2013
Nothing to add more in the given advice.

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