Suicidal threats by wife
Partha sarthi BHATTACHARYA
(Querist) 26 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
I have been married for last 6 years, one of my daughters is mentally challanged,, my wife is a pessimist and very often talks about committing suicide, i many times think if she does so, i'll be the first one to be booked under dowry law, although i am a very generous man and have not taken even a single penny and always taken care and supported my wife in every way possible, i just want to ask that can i take any precautionary step i.e. any complains etc. about the sucidal tendancies of my wife so that in case of any mishap i may have some evidence to save myself
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 26 December 2013
You can inform the local police from time to time about such threats.
However if any untoward thing happens you are indeed likely to be charged if her family puts such allegations.
Try to get her proper medical treatment as this would be the only thing which would save your life for all purposes.
Nadeem Qureshi
(Expert) 27 December 2013
Mr. Barman is rightly advise.
Adv. Chandrasekhar
(Expert) 27 December 2013
On war footing basis take her to psychologist.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 27 December 2013
Create medical records for her psychopath behavior, i.e., by taking her to a psychiatrist, preserving the records right from the consultancy onwards till the medical course of action, etc., inform her parents/close relatives of her behavior and your reactions to it, this way the alibi created may come to your rescue if the situation warrants in the later stage.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 28 December 2013
What are the reasons for such threats? No reasons at all? If there are reasons find out solutions. Give love and affection. If it is mental aberration, medical treatment is required. You have to take her to psychiatrist and follow his advice. Such illness will be cured if the medicines are taken as per the advice. As experts rightly said, keep all the medical record handy to avoid future complications if any that may arise later.
(Expert) 28 December 2013
Such threats becomes true.
Ladies do suicide when they cannot solve such problem.
[ Visit & ask in Sagar Kiran bldg bhy e n rd]
After suicide, within 6 months, the child became normal !!! What a luck..
In your case, issue Legal notice informing Local Police this matter, keep records.
Also take medical treatment of child as well as mother. Keep Records.
Inform this fact by RPAD to her parents.
hv one more child, pray god it is normal,
ACT FAST, before it is too late.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 29 December 2013
Precautionary measures as suggested by the experts may save you if any unwanted step is taken by your wife. Keep the parents of wife in confidence and in from them through Regd. letter and email about full development. Keep printout of the email record. Maintain complete medical record and treatment.
Partha sarthi BHATTACHARYA
(Querist) 29 December 2013
ok sir thanks to all of you for your valuable suggestions, i give her a lot of affection and psychologically support her and this is the only thing with she feels happy for some duration, however i took her to a psychiatrist and he has given medicines too
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 29 December 2013
Ok, keep those prescriptions. It would come in help later.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 30 December 2013
All the best! If you both - love and affection and treatment - go together I hope your problem will be solved.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 30 December 2013
You should also appraise the parents of your wife of the situation.