Sunni hanafi law of inheritance
Mohamed Ali
(Querist) 11 January 2018
This query is : Open
Dear All,
In our case, We are inheriting our great grand mother property, totally she had 3 children, one son who predeceased her and 2 daughters, Hence she was survived by only 2 daughters who are also dead long back and predeceased sons son and daughter.
As per sunni hanafi law daughters are entitled for 2/3rd share jointly as sharers only, remaining 1/3rd share will be divided among predeceased Sons son and sons daughter in ration of 2:1 as residuaries, 2/9 for sons son and 1/9 for sons daughter. Since it is male dominated grandson cannot be excluded by daughters
Since it is a old suit still pending,we have not got possession and muslims rights are calculated after each death.
Among 2 daughters children who are entitled for 2/3rd share jointly one daughters son has only 2 daughters and no son, he has expired recently, another daughter has a male child hence no issue, but other daughters sons has only 2 daughters ..
Question: How the shares are calculated again after the death of Daughters Son since he is survived only by 2 daughters, will they inherit complete 1/3rd share of their father which he inherited from his mother ?
Heirs alive now, 1st daughter Son, 2nd daughters sons(who died recently) 2 daughters and predeceased sons son and daughter.