Supplementary Agreement.
Niikhil C. Shirgaonkar
(Querist) 09 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
We have executed an Agreement to sale in respext of the shop. However while handing over the possession of the said shop it has been revealed that on measurement the area of the shop is increased by 9 Sq. fts built up. So we have taken a additional consideration for the same from Purchaser, but for the said purpose now what document shall be executed Confirmation Deed or Supplementary Agreement? And what will be the stamp duty?
Can anyone give me draft of Supplementary Agreement?
(Expert) 09 March 2010
Ractification Deed for the changed area. Or another sale deed.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 March 2010
Supplementary Agreement.
This supplementary agreement is being made at.....on this day of .....2010 between 1. .........& the presence of witnesses as under:
1. That party no. 1 has agreed to sale his shop no. .....situated the party no. 2 and party has agreed to purchase the aforesaid shop from party no. 1 against a sum of .........i.e. @ Rs. ...per Sq. yard.
2. That an agreement between the parties herein has already been executed on the presence of the witnesses and the same has been registered with .......
3. That while taking the actual possession, it came to reveal that the area of the aforesaid shop could not be written proper.
4. That the actual area of the shop is....Sq. Feet whereas in the aforesaid agreement dated........, it has wrongly been written as.Sq. fee so an area of 9 Sq. fee has remained left to be mentioned in the earlier agreement dated.......
5. That vide this supplementary agreement, both the parties hereby agree to include the enhance area of 9 Sq. Feet in the same agreement on the same terms as mentioned in the agreement dated ............
6. That the party no. 2 has taken over the possession of entire area of shop measuring.....Sq. yards including this 9 Sq. yards and has handed over an amount of Rs. the party no. 1 calculated # Rs. ........square yards.
Parveen Kr. Aggarwal
(Expert) 10 March 2010
If the sale deed is to be executed and got registered at an early date, the actual measurements and other conditions can be incorporated therein.