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Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 12 December 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Can my spouse file a case against me after I give her talaaq-e-bayen ?....if yes what is that she can file against me ?????
Guest (Expert) 12 December 2017
Why not, if you can give something,like talaaq, why not she can file a case to give you some lesson. Your next question, what is that, cannot be guessed by reading the mind of your wife by telepathy or by astrological prediction. That can be answered only her or her lawyer, after you give talaaq-e-bayen. WHY NOT ASK YOUR OWN WIFE?
S.B.adil rahman (Expert) 12 December 2017
Talaq-e-Ba’in – Irrevocable divorce falls in the category when the husband utters the words, “I give you Talaq-e-Ba’in” or the words that are uttered in giving divorce are unclear. It also occurs if the separation is by way of Khula (see my previous article ‘Khula – The Islamic Non-Fault Divorce’) or the marriage has been dissolved by a Shariah Court (in countries where there is an Islamic legal system) or by a Shariah Council (in non-Muslim countries).

There is also an interesting Islamic principle, Khalwat-e-Saheeha, which means having valid privacy with a spouse. What this means in practice is any duration of time when the married couple have been alone together. If Talaq is pronounced by the husband prior to this (which is very rare and can usually only occur at the beginning of marriages), the type of Talaq that falls is immediately Talaq-e-Ba’in.

Finally, a Talaq-e-Raj’i converts into a Talaq-e-Ba’in if reconciliation is not effected by the end of the Iddah period.
The effect of Talaq-e-Ba’in is that the marriage comes to an immediate end once it is pronounced. It is not like Raj’i for instance where a cooling-off period is initiated. The couple can, however, re-marry any time during or after the Iddah by simply performing the Nikah ceremony again.(With thanks to Janab Sadique Patel, Solicitor)
And yes legality of any Talaq can be challenged in the court of law.
P. Venu (Expert) 12 December 2017
What are the grounds for your apprehension?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 13 December 2017
Aq…………….so NO reply..
Kumar Doab (Expert) 13 December 2017
Pls post wit your ID and you can get many replies....
Kumar Doab (Expert) 13 December 2017
IN the meantime you may also go thru;
Guest (Expert) 13 December 2017
@ Kumar Doab,

What a great approach of Mr. Kumar Doab (fake expert with fake name) that even when he decided to give NO REPLY for the anonymous query by stating, "Aq…………….so NO reply.. " BUT NOT ONLY HE MADE REPLY TO THE POST, BUT ALSO MADE TWO MORE REPLIES EVEN AFTER HIS FIRST REPLY !


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