(Querist) 11 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
i have completed my dis year and now i am doing job as an accountant sir i have vision of becoming income tax expert.and i hv much interest only in income tax and accounts bt i m confused wheather i shoud go for CA. or LLB. sir please guide me.and sir also tell me what is the career after LLB.and what is the scope of income tax lawyer from the growth point of view.
sir is it possible to get a loan for LLB degree.
Please Please guide me
Thanks in advance.
(Expert) 12 January 2013
Dear Rahul,
What ever profession you choose to pursue, you must be prepared to work hard with utmost sincerity, no matter whether it is chartered accountancy or degree in law.
There is ample scope for Tax Lawyers and many of them has already marked their presence in the History of Law. If you have that kind of Zeal and enthuasim, No one can stop you. All the best.
Saket Saurav
(Expert) 13 January 2013
Dear Sir,
I would advice you to pursue CA rather than going for LL.B.
If you have interest in Law, then you may do for LL.B. You may even get study loan.
Saket Saurav
New Delhi
M V Gupta
(Expert) 16 January 2013
A degree in LLB will authorize u to practice as an Advocate in taxation matters also. Studying law is comparatively easy and you can get ur degree within a short period of two years as you are already a graduate. Comparatively CA takes a longer time and will not permit you to practice in a court of law in tax matters, except that you may represent your clients' cases before the tax authorities.
(Querist) 17 January 2013
First of all a big thank to Mr. C.P.CHUGH, Mr.Saket Saurav & speacial thank to Mr. M.V Gupta Sir.
Dear Sir i know the scope of a degree holder of C.A. because i have worked under C.A. for up to 2 years but i want to know the career of degree holder of LL.B in income tax.
sir please tel me best university in delhi..
M V Gupta
(Expert) 17 January 2013
I think LLB with specialization in taxation should give u a very good career both in the profession as well as job opportunities. In either case it all depends on how you fare yourself in discharging your responsibilities.
(Expert) 17 January 2013
A Degree in Law provides ample opportunities in any branch of Law including Taxation. You may also opt for Judicial Services whereas a degree in Chartered Accountancy would restrict your choice either for Practice as Chartered Accountant or as an Employee either with a Chartered Accountancy Firm like Big 4 or in any Industry. Choice is yours.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 17 January 2013
agree with experts
(Querist) 22 January 2013
very very thank you to all expert and special thank to Mr. M.V Gupta sir and C.P. CHUGH who really guided me in a thorough way.. thank you to all expert once more...