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Tc related issue

(Querist) 04 August 2021 This query is : Resolved 
As per I've passed class 10th in 2018 and admitted into a new school and passed 12th in 2020 in beginning they didn't ask for my TC anI I was also busy with my studies so I didn't pay attention so now am admitted into a medical college and this tc issue is eating me from inside so will it cause any problem in future? Please help
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 04 August 2021
Before joining the college might have been asked TC. But nowadays private colleges are showing interest in new candidates. Now you can get the TC from the authority where you studied.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 August 2021
Concentrate on your medico studies as TC is not such a big issue which can be managed by your sibling/ parents /relatives.
Best wishes.
P. Venu (Expert) 05 August 2021
The facts posted lack clarity. Is it that you had you had joined the Medical without producing the TC? If so, how is it an issue now?
Harsh Kaushik (Querist) 05 August 2021
Sir, I meant that when I graduated from the class 10th and shifted to another school they didn't ask for my TC and I've completed my 12th in 2020 and been admitted to a medical school so that tc of 10th will cause any problem?
Shashikant V. Patil (Expert) 06 August 2021
It is not difficult task. After passing 10 std , all are getting TC. Is there any malpractice worries you, if not why to apprehend?
Harsh Kaushik (Querist) 06 August 2021
Mr ShashiKant v.patil sir not at all sir no malpractice nothing i am just a 1st year student i was asking that 10th tc will not cause any issue in my later career or not?
P. Venu (Expert) 11 August 2021
As you have completed 12th and joined a professional course, the past TC is no longer relevant.

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