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tds reg:king alimony

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 27 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 
My daughter is being offered life long alimony.Does this money attract tax deduction at source?
A V Vishal (Expert) 27 January 2010
The Income Tax Act classifies income into two categories - 'revenue receipts' and 'capital receipts'. Generally, revenue receipts are taxable income and are subject to certain deductions/exemptions, whereas capital receipts are non taxable.

When a divorcee receives alimony from estranged spouse, it constitutes as a part of capital receipt. Considering, that you are receiving a lumpsum amount, it will fall under capital receipt, hence you will not have to pay any tax on it. This is because the amount received is not in exchange of any services offered towards any business, vocation or employment. Therefore, the amount that you would receive as alimony would tax free.

However, note that if the alimony is received on a monthly basis, it will be treated as revenue receipt and hence it will be taxable. In such a case, the law interpreted here is that a one time lumpsum amount received will be treated as capital receipt and monthly amount (considered as income) as revenue receipt.
Arvind Singh Chauhan (Expert) 27 January 2010
Vishal Sir! thanks for the information.
Guest (Expert) 30 January 2010
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