(Querist) 28 January 2011
This query is : Resolved
Apex Court in “General Manager, Telecom Vs. M.Krishnan & Another”, have ruled, that in view of Section 7-B of the Telegraph Act, the dispute relating to Telecom service should be decided only by the Arbitrator, appointed by the Central Government and that all services relating to telephone are subject to Telegraph Rule and therefore, this kind of cases cannot be decided by the Consumer Fora. The relevant observations in the judgement reads “In our opinion when there is a special remedy provided in Section 7-B of the Indian Telegraph Act regarding disputes in respect of telephone bills, then the remedy under the Consumer Protection Act is by implication barred”.
By citing this citation the Tamil Nadu State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Chennai has dismissed all pending appeal against the telephone service providers and on the basis of the said ruling the District Fora all over the Tamil Nadu has dismissed the complaints against telephone service providers and are not admitting new complaints. Is there any latest citation of the Supreme Court subsequent to the above said decision. Learned LCI members kindly express your views on the subject.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 28 January 2011
No that decision is not set aside by any decision of a larger bech.
Parveen Kr. Aggarwal
(Expert) 28 January 2011
No. There is no subsequent decision setting aside the Judgment.
Some other State Commissions have also decided the cases pertaining to telephone disputes in the same manner.
Parveen Kr. Aggarwal
(Expert) 28 January 2011
No. There is no subsequent decision setting aside the Judgment.
Some other State Commissions have also decided the cases pertaining to telephone disputes in the same manner.
Parveen Kr. Aggarwal
(Expert) 28 January 2011
No. There is no subsequent decision setting aside the Judgment.
Some other State Commissions have also decided the cases pertaining to telephone disputes in the same manner.
(Expert) 29 January 2011
I agree with and endorse the above views.