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Tenant carrying out some repair works inspite of he being into litigation

(Querist) 01 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sirs,

The Landlord has filed an eviction suit on the Tenant for illegal additions/alterations carried out by him. The Tenant has filed a suit against Municipal corporation in another court in which the Landlord is one of the defendant.

Now 2 suits are running concerntly against the tenant and inspite of this the Tenant has started to do some repair works like carpentary,Colour and that too without the permission of Landlord or court

Can he do this. Please advice

Thanking you in advance.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 02 December 2013
any injuction in favour of landlord
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 02 December 2013
When embroiled in litigation it is always prudent to take permission of the Court before doing anything concerning the suit premises.
Good Luck,
Kishor Mehta

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