Tenant nusiance
(Querist) 25 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
Is there any way i can put restriction to the memebers of the society to keep tenent,
theses tenant come from out and disturb the surrounding of the society in all way,
they make noise dont listen,break all rules,distruct other people property and belonging,
they dont do any police veryfication also,they get extra vehicles and occupy others parking also,
it is really headacke, and when we tell the owner they dont listen at all.....
is their any way.........
(Expert) 25 October 2011
yes you all file a complaint to nearest police station .
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 25 October 2011
The tenants of a member of the society has no right to disturb peace of its occupiers.
Complaint to the office bearer of the Society.
If it does not yield any result then complain to the DRCS of your locality.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 25 October 2011
Tenants do not have any right to do acts complained off,police verification clause is applicable ,the owner member may be asked to furnish the same and a member owner can be regulated by some norms and guidelines which may be resolved by managing committee against
owners keeping tenants.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 25 October 2011
One thing more ,the society can simply lodge complaint or FIR against tenants but can not
proceed against tenants by its office bearers
because they are not members so also to move against them before DRCS would be a futile exercise BUT ALL THIS ACTION WOULD BE POSSIBLE AGAINST THEIR LANDLORDS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 25 October 2011
if any member desires to keep a tenant prior approval of managing committee of society is a must . an application has to be made to society . the managing committee can grant permission dirct flat owner to get police verification done .
Rupam Ghosh
(Expert) 25 October 2011
it seems your society is unregistered one. If it is registered then you better make a complaint in writing, the society will resort to the remedies by pressurizing the owner of that flat to remove that tenant.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 25 October 2011
file a complaint to nearest police station is the best solution.