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Tenants not allowed to use car parking

(Querist) 20 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
i am residing in a flat at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. i have taken another flat's car parking in the same block with aggreement made that flat's owner as he is leaving abroad. Later now the other few flat owners are apposing asking me to remove my car saying they have rules that only flat owners can park inside the prmises.
pls advice me that is there any common rule like this or these rules differs state to state or society to society.

thanks in advance
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 December 2013
if flat owner has permitted you to park in his slot why should society object ?

flat owner must be paying parking charges to society . slot must have been alloted to him . let the flat owner deal with society .

rule is parking is for members who own a car .
V SARAVANAN (Querist) 20 December 2013
thankyou Ajay Sir, i asked that slot owner to discuss again with society.
Thankyou for useful advice
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 December 2013
thanks for your appreciation
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 December 2013
Well advised by the expert ajay sethi ji.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 21 December 2013
Agree with above I will add that you are tenant of parking slot. tomorrow they may say that only member can reside in flat and tenant can only pay rent and pitch tent on footpath out of the society.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 21 December 2013
I strongly do agree with Sudhir. Society has no right to reu]fuse the parking to the tenant.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 21 December 2013
Tenants rights are as good against the world
as are those of owners.

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