Tendering evidence affidavit
(Querist) 03 June 2013
This query is : Resolved
Respected All
I as a plaintiff at the time of tendering my Evidence Affidavit exhibit the photocopies of all the original documents, further stating in my evidence affidavit that “I say that I have brought today the ORIGINAL COPIES of all the above mentioned documents/EXHIBIT which are annexed, for the kind perusal of this Hon’ble Court”
In the mean time I came to know that plaintiff have to exhibit the original documents at the time of tendering Evidence Affidavit. Please advice can I now exhibits the Original documents. If yes under which section. Till date my cross examination has not been done by the Advocate of Defendants.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 03 June 2013
you must hae engaged a lawyer . it is elementary knowledge that original documents have to be tendered in evidence .along with affidavit of evidence orginal compilation of documents have to be filed .
each document has to be proved . affidavit of evidence filed by you wont serve the purpose .
with draw affidavit of evidence and file fresh affidavit of evidence and serve copy of affidavit of evidence to defendant before next date .
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 03 June 2013
consult ur lawyer.
J K Agrawal
(Expert) 04 June 2013
Now after amendment in CPC, it is necessary to file original documents with plaint itself and after that there is no occasion to tile the same without an application under order 7 Rule 14 of CPC.
File an application to take documents on record and then exhibit them by seeking another permission.