(Querist) 20 March 2017
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir, ICL has terminated my services on false complaints.but these complaint were non evident Company had given notice then. Replied to letter. I am the only earning member in my family but i was not given chance vu Sir bn8
Adv. Yogen Kakade
(Expert) 21 March 2017
Please mention the details.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 21 March 2017
Without knowing full case details / material facts/ related documents if any, nothing can be advised. Discuss with local lawyer.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 March 2017
Agreeing with experts.
Apparently company has issued notice/SCN and you had replied and subsequently company has terminated employment.
Visit a very able counsel specializing in Labor/service matters with case file for a considered opinion.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 22 March 2017
Agree with Kumar Doab.
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