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terminologies and fees

(Querist) 11 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Well I had possed this question before also but didnot get suitable satisfactory reply owiing to my lack of proper questions, I like to ask:
1. What is difference in terms of "Original Side" and "Appellate Side" and "Criminal Jurisdiction" of Bombay High Court. [ Refer URL:
2. What is difference between Criminal Writ Petition, Criminal Appeal, Confirmation Cases, Criminal Revision Application, Criminal Application, Criminal Miscellaneous Application , Criminal References, Criminal Contempt Petition, in Bombay High Court[refer
3. Under which category a litigation challenging police inaction to register FIR lies?
4. What is court fees for above litigation payable to court? What has to be mode of payment?
5. What is fees of PIL payable to court and mode of payment? Can, as a point in relief asked, we can ask to initiate criminal proceeding in PIL?
6. What are formalities to be fulfilled for filing PIL?
Sumir (Querist) 11 October 2009
7. Most appropriately case challenging police inaction to register FIR should be filed in Mdistrict court, metrpolitian court or HC?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 12 October 2009
Better u go through in detail Criminal Procedure Code and relevant authorities in this regard.
joyce (Expert) 12 October 2009
question no 1& 2 are procedural matter. original side. in original suit is OS inshort form, appallete side is in appeal cases appellant side.Criminal jurisdiction means specified area covered for deciding criminal cases in JMFC courts etc...
for secound querry, just meet a local lawyer friend and talk to him while tea time they can explain the differance.It all procedural.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 12 October 2009
Better to read Criminal Procadure Code

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