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The tamil nadu apartment ownership act 1994, and rules framed thereunder

(Querist) 28 January 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts,

kindly discuss the provisions of above said Act,It will be of great use to all the apartment owners in Chennai and else where in Tamil Nadu.,( other states also have enacted similar Act.)
Kindly compare the act with The transfer of property Act, in relation to Apartments built in Tamil Nadu.Sec 25 of the The Tamil Nadu apartment ownership Act has a overruling provision , and discuss the Undivided interest in the property
ajay sethi (Expert) 28 January 2013
academic query . buy any book dealing with said act
sreevichin (Querist) 28 January 2013
Thanks sir.but...1..I wanted to ask is that the undivided share of the plot of land on which the apartment is build ,when not properly /ie not fully divided to the apartment owners ,will there be a hurdle in redevelopment of the apartment by existing apartment owners.2.Total built up planed is 6000 sq ft. and the builder built only 4500 sq ft and only sold 4500/6000 uds (to 6 apartment owners) of the total plot area of 4200 sq ft. and balance 1500/6000 represents retained portion by the original builder (in 1980.)_ not represented by any apartmentin the complex.3. construction not proceeded with due to structural failure and so the second floor of the building is not built (ie no corporation tax paid etc) .Will the original builder or his heirs have any right in the redevelopment of the property (which will be about 6200 sq ft) against the existing apartment owners now . the balance 1700 sq ft sale proceeds is expected to finance the entire project.kindly compare the situation with reference to said 2 acts .Transfer of property act and the T.N apartment ownership act. If the redevelopment is taken up by the original builder , will the sale 1500/6000 uds to the new buyer be valid.sorry if i am not clear in my question if am only trying to be so. I l be pleased to give any clarification relating to this issue
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 January 2013
Your similar query in changed words has already been resolved yesterday so refer to all those replies and don't become so wise.
sreevichin (Querist) 30 January 2013
kindly recommend a book dealing in detail about the issue , I have a copy of bare Act .
R.K Nanda (Expert) 31 January 2013
search law book store.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 31 January 2013
There are many books on law stores so search as per your requirement.

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