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title of the land

(Querist) 27 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
in the case of agri land which acquired by
tenant (in this case respondent) under sec.32g from the court and have certificate of land ownership.and he paid the taxes amount for 32g. in this case the tenant have another cousin brother(in this case appellant) who claims the same property in the appellate court. the issue is whether the brother can inherit the property under succession? (the property is acquired in the case of 32g. family is Hindu family.) Note :- the family is not joint family.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 27 May 2009
If the Orignal Tenant was common ancester to brother and Cousin brother and the Certificate is issued in the name of the brother as successor to original Tenant, cousin brother can claim, though both are not now in Joint family.
Again agreed with my Ld. friend.

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