touting in court premises
(Querist) 17 September 2008
This query is : Resolved
a person has been representing himself as a court staff , by sitting in front of court varanta, on a chair provided for stamp vender and misleads the innocent clients and collects huge amounts as fine to be paid in petty cases, cavasses cases for some his favourite lawyers and collects commissions.
whether it amounts to touting ?
if so, to whom i have to file complaint ?
we have alredy filed complaint before district judge,cjm etc but of no use.
he claims to be an advocate clark some times.
a leading news paper has also published a news about him.
whether i should complaint to bar council .
pls advice
(Expert) 17 September 2008
If you wish you may file a criminal complaint before Megistrate after collecting sufficient evidence.
(Expert) 18 September 2008
You can also complaint to Bar Association of that particular Court and the Concerned Court Magistrate/Judge too
(Expert) 18 September 2008
It is ultimate responsibility of your Bar Association to remove him from court premises. If it is not careing make a group of aggreived lawyers who can do him make away with your problem
(Expert) 18 September 2008
Magistrate and/or Bar Association can take action on your complaint
(Expert) 18 September 2008
Local Bar should initiate into the matter.
You may give a complaint/ representation to the bar.