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transfer of land

(Querist) 18 May 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Hi, I am running approved school on govt land since 1990. Despite several requests govt not aloted said land to me. I approach to civil court seeking injuction on the ground of parity and need to impart ducation. The civil court directed to maintain status quo till next date. Meantime is it lawful to file Writ Petition seeking permanant protection from demolishing and vacating said land, by preferring petition to high court through representative nature by student and parents to etablish need of school in said vicinity?
umesh jawalikar (Querist) 18 May 2008
Put ur suggessions to justify need of school and transfer of land in the name of school. The municipal council act permit change of use of land despite been reserved for paerticular purpose or not. The right to impart education as well as get educatiuon is becimes fundamental since new amendment in the constitution. The school is for students from 1 to 4 standard and poor enough that shifting school from sadi vicinity ruin the opportunity of education from them. just post ur view.
umesh jawalikar (Querist) 18 May 2008
Manish Singh (Expert) 23 May 2008
In my opinion the HC will not entertain the said writ since
1. the matter is already in judicial process under a competent court
2. converting or granting of land is not a function of judiciary but of executives.

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