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transfer of land

(Querist) 09 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
my native place is in rajasthan and one person want to gift me some land as he is neighbour to us.what he has to do transfer
that land to me in registrar office.i have not any blood relation with him.but he want to gift me with love
with thanks
A V Vishal (Expert) 09 August 2009
Yes, the neighbour can gift the property to you even if you are not his blood relative by executing a Gift deed in your favour and getting it duly registered at the registration office. But the stamp and registration charges will have to be borne as per the prevalent stamp duty and registration rates applicable in your state.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 09 August 2009
i agree with mr vishal
charudureja (Expert) 09 August 2009
Any person gift his/her property to another and for that there need not be blood relation between the donor n donee.H The gift deed by which he is transfering the land to you needs to be registered at the registrar's office.
Adinath@Avinash Patil (Expert) 09 August 2009
In my opinion any person his property by gift deed but there must be proper reason for which perpuse he wants gift his land and reason must be legal otherwise gift deed become invalid. Betterway he tranfer his proprty to by register by sale deed.
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 09 August 2009
I partly agree with Avinash patil.

the registration and stamp charges are almost equal for both gift deed and sale deed.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 10 August 2009
A Gift with love and affection will be always with out any Financial consideration , verify whether the Gift is with /Or/ with out any Conditions, if there are conditions you have to comply the same, once Gift is made by donor and accepted by the Donee , it becomes the absolute proerty of the Donee ( subject to conditions if any ) !
Deekshitulu.V.S.R (Expert) 10 August 2009
Mr Jainh

Find out a similar person for me also who can gift his properties to me.

As regards your question, accept the gift and insert some reason to give you such a gift to you. It can be out of love and affection(it need not be only between relations), or friendhip, some nobel cause etc. Capture the chance immediately

kranthi kiran (Expert) 10 August 2009
Gift can be made. The only point is that, the stamp duty and registration charges in case of gift between family members will be less than charges applied to a gift deed between non family members.
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 10 August 2009
what will be the fate of the gift if some one (i.e.,son, daughter etc., of the donee) challenges the gift deed? towards whome the court will lean? that is why it is suggested to go for sale deed

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