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Transfer & registration from power of attorney--noida

(Querist) 28 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Is it mandatory to transfer the property first & then register from Power of Attorney in NOIDA, UP?

Can't we directly get the property registered on mother's name as the POA is on the name of Father & registration is seeked on the name of mother?
ajay sethi (Expert) 28 August 2012
who is th owner of property? if your father has been given power of attorney by you then without gift deed/sale deed property cannot be regd in name of your mother directly . father has to sell/gift property to your mother then only registartion cna be done in name of your mother
Hitendra (Querist) 29 August 2012

Actually father had purchased the property in 1993 on the basis of General Power of Attorney. Now he wants to get it registered, doesn't matter if the registration is done on his or mother's name. But the question is that is it compulsory to get the property Transfer first by paying the TRANSFER FEE?
Or can it be directly registered by skipping the high rate of Transfer Fee?

The case is of NOIDA.

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