Transfer rights of property
Amy vadesa
(Querist) 13 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
i want to cancel name of one owner from the sale deed in favor of the other owners mention in sale deed.
the fact is as follows-
parents and their son is having their name in sale deed and now they want to cancel their son's name from the sale deed by mutual consent of their son.
what way should i follow? and which will be valid legally?
-whether i have to make a transfer deed in favor of the others by paying required stamp duty?
-whether the co-owners can declare the one name that he is not having any share in this said property in local news paper ?
-whether they can draft the transfer deed on 100 rupee's stamp paper and can notarized that deed?
or any other valid way
please guide me i consent lots of experts but all are having different opinions.
i would be thankful.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 13 May 2013
son can execute deed of gift in favour of parents . it attarcars 2%stamp duty . have it duly stamped and regd
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 14 May 2013
Either a gift deed or a family settlement shall suffice the execution of the intention of the parties.