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Transfer to different place showing exegencies of services clause

(Querist) 26 February 2013 This query is : Resolved 
dear sir,
this is to inform you that in the month of sept 12 i asked for LTA on pilgrimage trip to pasupatinath to fulfil last wish of my parents specially father from sun pharma, which my gm have sanctioned and updated in erp of my companys system. later my immediate reporting authority make a hue of that and both my rsm and gm requested me to cancel my leave and work which i did by letter and mentioned that as per their advice i am cancelling my leave. this note from my side annoyed my gm and hr called me for sales review discussion with gm on 3rd oct 12 and instead of sales review discussion they performed hr discussion and pressurised me to resign or they will terminate me. i opposes the oppression and continued to work. later they transfered me from kolkata to coimbatore where i joined. in the mean time my father who backed me could not probably withstand my absence, falls ill and died out of ca lever quary not proved in 14th jan 13. now i am the only male member with my ill mother, wife in service in govt sector, minor son. my wife, son and mother leaves in kolkata and i work in coimbatore. in spite of several request letter to reconsider my hr or comp doesnot replied to my transfer appeal on humantarian ground and over phone conversation, asking me to leave the job and go. in this junction what should i do. i dont want to leave sun as this is a good systemetic comp and i want to prove myself. sun have torchered me in many ways by not giving me loans, not repliing my quaries, saying abusive words by my immediate superior, etc. though i have given my photographs to sun for publication as calenders for distribution and promotional input for two products, but they have not given me any royalti for that. pl kindly help me to win over the situation and i want my royelti, and wants to get back to my native place as i dont have any fault of mine for poor performance of sales in kolkata which i have proved over presentations based on companies data. but inspite of that i am devoid of moneytory benefits, promotions and now they have transfered me to a distance place subjected me to humilations , tourchers, and depressions.
pl help.
anirban bhattacharya
with regards
anirban bhattacharya
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 26 February 2013
Unfortunately there is no regulatory body to get redress for punishing work schedules or transfer as a measure of punishment.

Filing a civil suit is the only remedy which would not however give any result in a short span of time.

Making job switch is appeared to be a quick solution.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 26 February 2013
Agree with Barman sir.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 26 February 2013
no more to add.
Guest (Expert) 26 February 2013
Rightly advised by Shri Barman. Exigency of service is a great weapon, like Brahmastra, of the management, which has no remedy.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 March 2013
You are advised either to accept the dictates of the employer or to change it as resentment in private sector is a sin.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 March 2013
courts generally do not interfere in transfer matter unless it is malafide

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