Trial of E.C.act & 328 ipc
Querist :
(Querist) 06 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
challan submitted u/s 3/7 E.C.ACT & SEC. 328 IPC.The related special court for E.C. ACT is CJM/ this situation weather special court CJM /ACJM can trial offences related u/s 328 ipc is legal or not.
The offences u/s e.c. act & 328 ipc can be trial by special court CJM /ACJM.Even u/s 328 ipc cases are tried by CJM/ SESSION COURT can trial offences related to E.C.act act &328 ipc or not? if he can trial, under which sec. of cr.p.c.?
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 06 November 2009
i ve not been able to understand the same query has been presented in four different ways.
nothing special is likely to come out by doing this, rather it wasted a lot of space for other visitors.