Under which sec.rule or order application to be filed.
gurpreet singh
(Querist) 28 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
we are defendants in the civil suit,and ld.judge given order against us for injunction on the basis of the forged photocopied document which was challenged during trial,and we also place on record the expert report which declare the forgery,we also filed an application under rule 7(14) to produce the original documents on which the plaintiffs sues,But the ld.judge ignored our request and implied injunction against us,which the impuned order is challenged in the high court and date of hearing is fixed after 3 months, The ld.judge announce at the time of impuned order that the original documents will be seen on evidence, Now the evidence trial is near by date and we want to know that how can we insist the court to get produce he original documents from the opposite party under which sec.or order so that the original documents can be send for comparison to govt,forensic lab for getting equity, and fair justice .plz suggest.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 28 September 2012
file application u/s 151 of CPC with ur supporting affidavit in court.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 30 September 2012
You have already obtained such report and court has also given its opinion over the subject that the plaintiff shall put those documents at the time of his evidence so let that stage come. You have every right to go through those documents at time and if you suspect anything wrong only then you should raise objection and should demand to retain those documents on file so that those may be send for expert opinion as you pray in a fresh application to be moved at that time. Court shall not entertain your application at this stage as this matter has already been decided by trial court.