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Undivided Share Of Land

(Querist) 05 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
What exactly is undivided share of land and if the land is divided by metes and bounds with boundaries can only one person have an undivided share of such land?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 October 2009
undivided and undivisable share are two separate things. Undivided means a property which is yet to be divided and still it is one unit but undivisable means a property which cannot be devided due to its nature. Undivided property can be divided among its shareholders but undivisable property cannot be divided and it can definitely can be given in the share of one shareholder.
V. Padmanabhan (Querist) 06 October 2009
Further to the reply I am still unclear. My question is whether a plot of land with clearly demarcated boundaries be undivided in the hands of one single owner? Can understand the if there are more than one owner.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 October 2009
Yes the plot of land with clearly demarcated boundaries can be undivided in the hands of one single woner, if agreed as such.
V. Padmanabhan (Querist) 07 October 2009
Could you give an example as to how a plot of land with clearly demarcated boundaries be undivided in the hands of one single owner? T

he concept of an undivided share of land envisages multiple or more than a single owner. As in apartments where there are multiple owners and each of them have a share in the land upon which the flats are constructed and the share of each flat owner in not clearly identifiable.

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